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Scholar Stories

Brown Scholars

Impactful Moments with Milken Mentors and Mentees

Published 03/04/2024 in Program Updates
Written by Reyes, Natalie | 03/04/2024

“Our relationship has transcended the circumstance that has brought us together — that being mentorship. The joy and humor that has come about from these experiences has really served to cement a permanent relationship between myself and Hannah, and has proven that we are indeed intertwined for the rest of the time we are on campus and in life,” said Ayan Rahman, MS ’20.


IMG 0414

The Integrated Holistic Community Development: Model Case Studies in Kenya and Ethiopia

Published 02/26/2024 in Scholar Travel Stipend
Written by Alma Zepeda | 02/26/2024

On December 10th I boarded a plane with a group of 19 other UCLA Anderson School of Management classmates working on an international social impact consulting project. We were spending our winter break in Nairobi, Kenya and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia documenting the work of two highly effective non-profits community-based organizations, Shining Hope for Communities (SHOFCO) and Project Mercy.



Bridging Health Divides

Published 02/26/2024 in Scholar Travel Stipend
Written by Elizabeth Abatan | 02/26/2024

During my time in London, I had the opportunity to explore the city, its healthcare systems, and history. Through this journey of gaining a diplomatic perspective, I created partnerships and collaborated with others to determine what healthcare looked like in the UK and how it differed from the US.


Researcher Bri Matusovsky takes a picture of a herd of goats wandering along the side of the road.

Monkeys and Other Unsettlers

Published 02/01/2024 in Scholar Travel Stipend
Written by Bri Matusovsky | 02/01/2024

This essay describes the findings from ethnographic research conducted September through December 2023 on St. Kitts. I will continue to conduct follow-up research in 2024 and beyond; this essay provides a snap-shot of my findings.


ZoeHsu Italy

Food, Mental Health, Identity, and Community Building in Italy

Published 12/08/2023 in Scholar Travel Stipend
Written by Zoe Hsu | 12/08/2023

Despite increasing destigmatization surrounding mental health, many people in the United States still suffer from various mental illnesses. Poor mental health in America is especially exacerbated by its individualistic lifestyle in which people are expected to look after themselves and work to make a living, without taking proper time to appreciate and enjoy the present moment or build community amongst one another.


Columbia Karen Garcia MS 23 3

Campus Visits Foster Community Across the Country

Published 12/08/2023 in Program Updates
Written by Reyes, Natalie | 12/08/2023

One of the defining characteristics within the Milken Scholars Family is its strong community. From the moment Scholars are welcomed into the Program, they are encouraged to maintain close communication with their peers and staff. Campus Visits play a key role in fostering this close-knit culture as they allow Scholars to receive in-person check-ins from staff twice a year.


Poon Francis 1

Living History: A Lesson From Dachau

Published 11/22/2023 in Scholar Travel Stipend
Written by Francis Poon | 11/22/2023

July 20, 2023. I’m an hour north of Munich, Germany, on a bus heading uphill and passing unassuming residential neighborhoods with manicured landscaping. When we stop, I follow the crowd along a serene, tree-lined path that eventually leads to a massive open field. Albeit the many clouds in the sky, the sun occasionally peaks through. The air is fresh and crisp... a perfect day for a stroll. But I'm not at a park.
