Quingan Zhou Wharton HCM
Milken Scholar 2006
Scholar Profile

Quingan Zhou

Business Management


Quing Zhou is currently a General Manager at SCAN Health Plan, which provides healthcare coverage to over 285,000 Medicare beneficiaries across 5 states. Quing oversees SCAN’s P&L performance in Northern and Central California, Arizona, and Nevada.

Before joining SCAN, Quing oversaw the Virtual Primary Care and Behavioral Health product lines at Included Health, which offers virtual care and care navigation services. Prior to Included, Quing was an Engagement Manager at McKinsey & Company, where she led national healthcare payers through value-based care strategy implementation and enterprise-wide operations optimization. Quing also served as the Chief of Staff at Heritage Provider Network and launched a cancer research program in China for the Prostate Cancer Foundation.

Quing received her Master in Business Administration (MBA) with a focus on Health Care Management from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Humanities at Yale University.

High school:  James Monroe High School


College Year Degree
Yale University
New Haven, CT
2011 B.A. Humanities
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
2018 M.B.A. Business Administration

News and Highlights

Quingan Zhou (MS '06)

Consider them working summer vacations: Quingan Zhou, MS ‘06 will be in Buenos Aires for an internship and Kevin Martinez, MS ‘07 will travel to Japan as part of the Japanese Exchange and Teaching program.