Roslyn Rivas 007
Milken Scholar 2013
Scholar Profile

Roslyn Rivas

Environmental Science


Roslyn Rivas was born and raised in Bronx, New York. Having graduated from Yale University in 2017 with a major in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Roslyn is a wildlife conservation biologist. At Yale, she was an assistant coach for the Yale Wushu Team, and was involved with the Latin American Cultural Center on campus. She also spent a month in Costa Rica studying tropical biology and wildlife as a part of an Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS) study abroad program. Roslyn has experience working at the New York Botanical Garden as an Index Herbariorum Intern, and at the National Audubon Society as Plants for Birds Program Coordinator. She earned a Graduate Certificate in Wildlife Management from Oregon State University in 2021, and is currently working at NYC Bird Alliance as its Public Programs Manager.

High school:  Trinity School


College Year Degree
Yale College
New Haven, CT
2017 B.S. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR
2021 Graduate Certificate Wildlife Management